ECA Co-ordinator
Paula Williams will be the ECA co-ordinator this year. Paula is a parent in BSP. The role of the co-ordinator is to arrange the ECA timetable, to run the ECA sign up fair, to ensure that those pupils who have signed up for classes are present at them, to administer first aid when required and to ensure all children are collected by an adult at the end of their class.
Guidelines for parents/guardians and children participating in ECAs:
1. Children must remain with the leader/ECA coordinator until the activity finishes.
2. Children who are being collected must remain within the school grounds, in the reception area or at the front patio of the school.
If walking or cycling home children should be advised to do so safely particularly when crossing the road.
3. Siblings or friends of children involved in an activity must not remain in the school/school grounds during the activity.
4. Children are not allowed to go to the shop after school before an ECA begins.
5. Children who have special needs as defined by the Department of Education and Science which may effect their participation should consult with
the Extra Curricular Activity Co-ordinator who will discuss their participation with the activity leader and parents.
6. Children are expected to be polite and courteous at all times. If a child misbehaves leaders are required to ask the child not to participate any
further on that day – but to remain until the ECA finishes. The Leader will then inform the P.T.A. who in turn will discuss same with the Principal
and a note will be sent to the parents informing them that unless the behaviour stops, the child cannot return to the ECA.
7. Parents/Guardians who are collecting children should do so promptly at the end of the ECA.
1. Children must remain with the leader/ECA coordinator until the activity finishes.
2. Children who are being collected must remain within the school grounds, in the reception area or at the front patio of the school.
If walking or cycling home children should be advised to do so safely particularly when crossing the road.
3. Siblings or friends of children involved in an activity must not remain in the school/school grounds during the activity.
4. Children are not allowed to go to the shop after school before an ECA begins.
5. Children who have special needs as defined by the Department of Education and Science which may effect their participation should consult with
the Extra Curricular Activity Co-ordinator who will discuss their participation with the activity leader and parents.
6. Children are expected to be polite and courteous at all times. If a child misbehaves leaders are required to ask the child not to participate any
further on that day – but to remain until the ECA finishes. The Leader will then inform the P.T.A. who in turn will discuss same with the Principal
and a note will be sent to the parents informing them that unless the behaviour stops, the child cannot return to the ECA.
7. Parents/Guardians who are collecting children should do so promptly at the end of the ECA.